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Friday Flavours #8

2024-03-04 13:52 Friday Flavours
The experts on our team regularly bring you a selection of recommendations and insights related to environmental and social responsibility. Whether it's an enticing book, an intriguing article, a project supporting a great cause or a helpful tool, we'll share our thoughts on why this particular piece spoke to us and why we think this particular topic is important.

Let us know what you think about our recommendations and insights, or whether you’d like to share some of your own tips with us - we’d love to hear from you.


I’ve been a regular listener of the ‘Feel Better, Live More’ podcast by Dr. Chatterjee. He and his guests break down complex health science into practical, actionable steps - an incredible feat in itself - for everyday wellness. The episodes cover everything from how we move and eat to mental health and establishing effective habits.

I loved the recent episode with Professor Stephen Seiler, who studies elite-level sports performers. He talks about sustainable fitness, advocating for moderation over intensity. Seiler explains how high-intensity workouts can increase stress, pushing us into a harmful fight-or-flight mode - the last thing we need after a stressful day at work or at home. Another inspiring episode is one with Professor Russel Foster, who explains the transformative power of daylight - liking its effects to those of medicine and drugs.


Another podcast I occasionally listen to for insights into best practices in the ESG/corporate sustainability world is ESG Insider from S&P Global. Most recently, I listened to their February 16th episode, an interview with the Chief Climate Officer at Mars, entitled "How one of the world's largest food companies is rethinking supply chains," which gave some interesting views on this challenging topic. In addition to interviews with ESG leaders, the podcast explores ESG themes discussed at key international meetings and conferences, including the COP, WEF and the annual GreenBiz conference. Overall, I like the podcast because it gives snapshots of how ESG issues are approached across different contexts and industries.


Working with our clients, we often seek some best practice examples that can inspire their initiatives in sustainability. A great source of inspiration we rely on comes from the B Corp Movement and the activities of our many interesting fellow B Corps. Consider signing up for the B Lab Europe newsletter, listening to the B Lab podcast, or looking directly into the B Corp directory, where you can filter B Corps by country, size, or specific industry. Have fun exploring!


I recently came across a great podcast series on the EU taxonomy. It helped me go in depth about disclosure requirements and reporting of KPIs. If you're a company in the scope of taxonomy reporting, be sure to check it out.


Biodiversity, set to become as pivotal as the "carbon footprint," is misunderstood by over half of the EU and UK population, according to a 2018 study by the European Environment Agency. Wild areas are vital for preserving biodiversity and enabling natural interactions among species. Interestingly, significant wildlife experiences are often closer than imagined, not just in remote places like Alaska or the Amazon. Rewilding Europe plays a vital role in protecting and restoring natural habitats through the European Rewilding Network, which brings together local groups aiming for rewilding success. Their initiatives include reintroducing key species such as Przewalski's horses in Hungary, European bison and lynx in Poland, and wolves and bears in the Carpathians, covering Czechia and Slovakia. Participation in World Rewilding Day on March 20th offers a chance to enhance biodiversity awareness and contribute to these efforts for everybody, including you.


Many of us are often interested in ways to eat better, healthier, and more sustainably. For those interested in this topic, I highly recommend a publication by WWF called Healthy Plate, Healthy Planet - A Compass for Sustainable Nutrition. This publication offers an excellent overview of this topic.


We're moving houses. Until now, I thought we were living a minimalist lifestyle, but once I started packing, I realised that the opposite is true, and we have a million things. A new address equals a fresh start; the less stuff we take with us, the better. What do we do with the stuff we've accumulated over the years and no longer use? A great discovery for me are charity shops that can be found in every major city. They are run by organisations such as Adra, Journey Home, and Sue Ryder. They are a great place to bring well-kept household items, cosmetics, toys, books, clothes, etc, that you don't need or gifts that are not your style. What you don't want anymore will serve someone else, and the proceeds from the sale fund will grow the non-profit's activities. Win-win-win.


Collaboration with startups that collect coffee grounds from offices and cafes and process them to reintroduce them into circulation can be an effective way to address coffee ground waste management. An example in Poland is Ecobean, and in the Czech Republic, for example, reKáva.